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The Advice Options & Reasons Library
Video: An overview of the Advice Options & Reasons Library
What is the Advice Options & Reasons Library?
How do I add a custom Advice Option or Advice Reason to a step?
How do I add an advice option to a category?
How do I hide an Advice Option or Advice Reason?
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The Report Content Manager
VIDEO: How to customise the boilerplate content of your reports and templates using the Report Content Manager
What is the Report Content Manager?
What is a snippet?
How do I create a custom version of a Genovo snippet?
How do I create a custom snippet?
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Report Section Manager
Video: An overview of the Report Section Manager
What is the Report Section Manager?
How do I create a custom non-wizard section?
Can I change the position of a custom section in the Report Builder?
How do I hide a section so it does not show in the Report Builder?
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Attitude to Risk Profiles
What is the Attitude to Risk Library?
How do I create a custom set of attitude to risk profiles to use in my reports?
How do I add an image or table into my attitude to risk profile descriptions?
How do I hide a set of Attitude to Risk Profiles?
How do I customise the capacity for loss wording used in my reports?
Brand Theme > The Report Theme
What is the Report Theme?
How do I select another Report Theme?
How do I create and edit my own Report Theme?
How do the styles of a Report Theme relate to the content generated in a report?
What is the difference between a 'dynamic' and 'fixed horizontal' Plan Summary table format?
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Brand Theme > Report Title Page Image
VIDEO: How to add a background image to your report title page
How do I add a background image to my report title page?
What are the optimal dimensions for a report title page image?
How do I unselect a report title page image?
Why is the Report Title Page Image icon greyed out on my customisation dashboard?
Brand Theme > Report Footers
How do I add some text to the footer of my report title page?
How do I customise the content and format of my report footer?
How do I reset my report footer back to the standard format and content?
Why is the report page footer inactive for my account?
The GUI Theme
What is the GUI Theme?
Why is GUI Theme greyed out on my Customisation dashboard?
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by Freshdesk