There are a number of reasons why you may wish to clone an existing report saved within a client's Report Library:

1. You need to write a similar report to one that you've previously written to the same client

e.g. You're recommending that the client makes another single contribution into their pension plan much like they did at the end of the last tax year.

In this instance you'd clone the existing report, update the name of the cloned report and make any changes to the report content to reflect any change in the client's circumstances and the recommendations being made. 


2. You need to write a similar report to one that you've previously written to another client

e.g. You're recommending that a number of different clients make use of their ISA allowance by investing with the same ISA provider, and into the same or similar investment strategy.

In this instance you'd clone the existing report, reassign it to the other client(s), update the name of the cloned report, and then make any changes to the report content to reflect the change of client (e.g. the ownership field, the attitude to risk profile etc) and the recommendations being made. 

3. You need to write an annual review report for an existing client and you wish to use last year's report as the basis for the current year as there's been little change in their circumstances or investment holdings.

In this instance you'd clone the existing report, update the name of the cloned report and make any changes to the report content to reflect any change in the client's circumstances, their investment holdings and the recommendations being made. 

The Benefits of Cloning a Report

The benefits of cloning an existing report rather than creating one from scratch, or using the Word doc as the basis of a template for the new one are:

1. It will save you considerable time.

2. There is no risk of copying and pasting errors.

3. You can quickly review the options selected in the various section wizards, make any necessary changes, and the report output will update automatically to reflect the changes made.

4. The revised report will contain the most up-to-date version of all of the appropriate text.  

How to Clone an Existing Report

It's really easy to clone an existing report:

1. From the dashboard click on write / view report.

2. Find the client whose report you wish to clone and add them to the Selected Client(s) list.

3. Click on the view reports link to the right of their name and you'll be directed to the Report Library for that client. 

4. Find the report you wish to clone and click the clone icon to the right of the Date Updated column.

4. A copy of the report will be created and added to the client's Report Library with the name "Copy of.....".It could take up to 10 seconds for the report to be cloned so please be patient.

5. You can now change the name of the newly created report by clicking the edit pencil, and edit the content of the report by clicking on the corresponding report builder link.

Reassigning a cloned report to another client

If you do need to write a similar report to one that you've previously written to another client, you will need to clone the original report, reassign it to the other client(s), and then make any necessary edits e.g. change the report name, update the ownership field, attitude to risk profile etc.

To learn more about how to reassign a report to another client click here.

To watch a video tutorial which walks you through how to clone and reassign a report click here.