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Client & Report Library
VIDEO: An overview of the Client & Report Library
What is the Client & Report Library?
How do I view and edit a client's reports?
Can a user view and edit the clients and reports of another user?
How do I change the ownership of a client and their reports to another user within my account?
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Investment Library
VIDEO: An overview of the Investment Library
What is the Investment Library?
How do I add an investment to my Investment Library?
What is the purpose of the preloaded Genovo example investments?
How do I clone an investment?
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Provider Library
VIDEO: An overview of the Provider Library
What is the Provider Library?
Can I stop the provider logos coming out in my own and / or my users’ reports?
How do I add a provider to my Provider Library?
How do I clone a provider?
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Help Desk Software
by Freshdesk