In the first instance you'll need to add the portfolio as an investment to your Investment Library. This can be achieved by:

How to add a portfolio as a new investment within your Investment Library

Click add investment and a new window will open where you'll be prompted to provide the following information about the portfolio.

  • Unique Identifier - This field wont come out in your reports but it does allow you to differentiate between multiple versions of the same portfolio on different platforms.
  • Investment Name - This is the name of the portfolio.
  • Investment Objective - This is the objective of the portfolio.
  • Sector - This isn't relevant for portfolios and can be left blank.
  • Risk Rating - This could be a number or a descriptive word.
  • Initial Charge - This is where you can include any initial charge.
  • AMC, TER, OCF - These relate to the ongoing investment charges of the portfolio. In all likelihood you will only have a figure for one of these fields, probably the TER or OCF.
  • DFM / DIM Charge - If the portfolio is a DFM/DIM, this is where you can include any additional charge specifically levied by the DFM / DIM manager. 
  • Transaction Costs - All costs and charges that are likely to be incurred as a result of the acquisition and disposal of the investment.
  • Incidental Costs - Any other investment-related costs and charges that aren’t covered by the other fields.

The Further Investment Info is a catch-all field where you can add any additional information about the investment that isn’t covered by the other fields. For example, this could be some background information about the investment provider, an asset allocation pie chart, or a table of the underling investments that make up the model portfolio. The real takeaway here is that anything you add into the Further Investment Info field will be automatically pulled through into your reports whenever the investment is added to an investment strategy.

This article provides more detailed information about how to add an investment into your Investment Library.

How to add an asset allocation pie chart of the portfolio

1. Use the Windows Snipping Tool (or something similar) to take a screen grab of the asset allocation pie chart from the source material.

2. Type some brief introductory text at the top of the Further Investment Info text box e.g. "The asset allocation of the Genovo Example Model Portfolio is shown below:"

3. Position your cursor within the Further Investment Info field where you want the image to appear and use Ctrl+V to paste the image directly into the text box just as you would if you were pasting it into a Word doc.

4. The image will be automatically resized to a width of 650 pixels (whilst maintaining the aspect ratio) so it fits correctly within the page when the report is downloaded to Word. However, it is easy enough to resize the image by simply clicking on the image and dragging it from one of the corners.

How to add a table of the underlying funds that make up the portfolio

There are a couple of options:

1) Take a screen grab of the table from the portfolio fact sheet and simply paste it into the Further Investment Info field as an image just as above. This is the quickest and easiest option but the quality of the output may be compromised and the style may not reflect the styling of the rest of your report.

2) Create a table from scratch using the 'Insert Table' function included within the Further Investment Info field. This will take more time, but will result in a better end result as it ensures the table is rendered correctly within your reports to reflect the table-related styles of your selected Report Theme.

We would advise against pasting an existing table from Word straight into the Further Investment Info field as this is likely to result in the formatting of the table going awry when you download your report to Word.  

Here's some simple instructions that explain how to create a table from scratch.

1. Type some brief introductory text e.g. "The funds that make up the Genovo Example Model Portfolio are outlined below." 

2. Position your cursor where you would like the table to be generated within the Further Investment Info text box, presumably just under the above text.

3. Click the 'Insert table' icon in the toolbar. 

This will open the 'Table Properties' dialog box.

4. Change the 'Headers' field to reflect the makeup of your table. For example, if you want a row of headings across the top of your table, select ‘First row’. If you want a column of headings, select ‘First column’. 

5. Update the number in the 'Rows' and 'Columns' fields to reflect the make-up of the table you require. 

6. Leaving the 'Width' on 100% will ensure the table stetches across the full width of the page, just like all the other tables in your reports.

7. On clicking save, a blank table will be inserted into the Further Investment Info field. You can now insert the required text into the relevant cells.

The investment will now be saved with your Investment Library and will be available to add as a library investment when creating an investment strategy within any of the review sections or the Recommended Investment Strategy section.

Having added the investment to their Investment Library, administrators of Company or Group Plans can share their custom investments with other users within their account or linked accounts.

Cloning an existing investment within your Investment Library.

You may find it quicker to clone an existing investment in your Investment Library. Certainly if you need to add a number of model portfolios with a similar make-up of funds, you will find it much quicker to clone an existing investment and then just update those details that are different (e.g name, the funds and the asset allocation pie chart etc) rather than adding each portfolio anew.

You may wish to create your own model portfolio in the first instance to use as a template for the others, or alternatively you could use one of the Genovo example model portfolios which have been preloaded for your convenience.  

Where will the investment-related information get rendered in my report?

Recommended Investment Strategy section

The investment name, objective, risk rating and charges will be rendered within a table. The table is generated by the {IS_ISTable} tag contained within the 'Recommended Investment Strategy Table & Reasons Why' snippet.

The asset allocation pie chart and table of funds will be rendered within the {IS_LibInvNotes} tag located within the 'Further Investment Info' snippet.

You can edit the surrounding wording or move the position of any of these tags via the Report Content Manager.

Review sections

The investment name, objective,  risk rating and charges will be rendered within a table. The table is generated by the tag  (e.g. {PRV_MasterTable_InvestmentStrategy}) contained within the 'Current Investment Strategy' snippet in the various review sections.

Any information included within the Further Investment Info field of an investment added to a Current Investment Strategy within a review section will be rendered within the above tag, under the Current Investment Strategy table.