The clients you pull across from Plannr will be stored in the Client & Report Library within Genovo.

If you’re subscribed to a multi-user Company Plan and view all users' clients / reports has been activated for you, it is also possible to save the client to another user’s Client Library within Genovo. This is particularly useful where a paraplanner is writing a report for an adviser, and the adviser has been set up as a Reader user within Genovo.

You can add a client to the Client Library from within the Client & Report Library or as part of process of writing a report from within Write Report. To add a client, simply click on the relevant add client button and a new window will open.

As an integrated user, you’ll notice an Add from CRM button towards the top of the window.

To import a client from Plannr (as opposed to entering the data manually) click Add from CRM and another window will open.

You can use the search function to locate a client and any results matching your search will be displayed below.

It is worth bearing in mind that you can only access the same client data via the integration as you can when you log in to your own Plannr account. So if a client does not appear in your search results, please check your Plannr permissions and privileges, and ensure you can view the client when you log in to your Plannr account in the first instance.

To add a client, click the Add client hyperlink to the right of their name, and the data contained in any integrated fields (i.e. the ones marked up with a green border) will be automatically inserted into Genovo.

The client data is arranged over a series of tabs. You will need to click Save at the bottom of the first tab before you can navigate through the rest of the tabs. You can edit any integrated fields (should you need to), and complete any non-integrated fields as required. Please bear in mind that if you do make any changes to the client data in Genovo, this won’t sync back to Plannr. Finally, click Save and exit on the last tab or close the window down.

You do not have to complete all of the client-related fields in Genovo, and there may be good reasons why you do not want or have to. If a field isn’t relevant or not needed, just leave it blank and it wont be included in the 'Summary of Client Circumstances' table included in your report.

On clicking Save, you’ll notice that an integration icon shows to the left of the client’s name to indicate that they are an integrated client.