Genovo caters for a variety of different currencies including pound sterling, dollars and euros. You can select a currency for a client and an individual report, and these can be different or the same - the default for both is £.

How do I select a client currency?

Within add / edit client you select the currency used for the client from the Client Currency field.

The client currency will determine which currency symbol is included within the label of certain client-related fields such as Monthly Gross / Net Income and Monthly Expenditure within each report created for that client.

How do I select a report currency?

You will also be prompted to confirm the currency for each report (this may be different or the same as the Client Currency you have selected). Within Write Report you will prompted to select the currency you wish to use for that particular report.

The report currency will determine which currency symbol is included within the label of certain currency-related fields (e.g. Lump Sum Investment, Regular Contribution) in the tables displayed in the various sections of both the app and the downloaded report.

For example if we change the report currency to euros the Plan Summary table in the New Investment Recommendation in both the app and the report would now look like this.

You can change the report currency used in a particular report by clicking on the edit pencil of the relevant report in the client's Report Library and updating the Report Currency field accordingly

 We have also included the option of “no currency symbol”. If this option is selected, no currency symbol will be included in the field labels. You may wish to select this option if you are making multiple plan recommendations in different currencies.

 Remember you can include the symbol of any currency you require when you enter an amount in the text box of a field e.g £10,000, $10,000 or 10,000.

If you'd like us to add another currency please get in touch.