When you activate View all users' clients / reports for a user, they will be able to view and edit the clients / reports of all users within your account by default. However, should you only want certain users to be able to view and edit  the clients / reports of certain other users, you will need to:

1. Divide your organisation into a number of workgroups

2. Allocate a workgroup to every user (Your Workgroup)  

3. Define the workgroup(s) each user can see. (Viewable Workgroups)

Workgroups are particularly useful if you have different offices or departments within your company, and you only want users to be able to share their clients / reports with the other users within their particular office or department.

To see how this could work in practice I’ve set up an example company with an MD, a compliance officer, four advisers and two paraplanners.  

Managing Director needs to be able to monitor the usage of all users, but doesn’t write any reports or have any written for him.

  • View all user's clients / reports is active so he can view the clients / reports of other users.
  • As no other user needs to be able to view his clients and reports, he is a member of his own workgroup - Management.
  • All workgroups are included within his Viewable Workgroups so he can see the reports / clients of all other users.

Colin Compliance needs to be able to check the reports of all users and write reports for his own clients, but with the exception of the MD no one else needs to be able to view his clients / reports.  

  • Share clients / reports is active so he can view the clients / reports of other users.
  • He is a member of the Compliance workgroup.
  • All other workgroups (apart from Management) are included within his Viewable Workgroups so he can see the reports / clients of all other users.

Brenda Financial and Chris Financial are two financial planners who are based in the London office, hence their workgroup title. They only need to write reports for their own clients, hence view all user's clients / reports is inactive.

Daphne Financial and Edward Financial are two financial planners who are based in the Manchester office, hence their workgroup title. They only need to write reports for their own clients, hence view all user's clients / reports is inactive.

Anne Paraplanner is a paraplanner who needs to be able to write and share reports with the financial planners based in the London office. Hence share clients / reports is active and “London” is included within Viewable Workgroups.

Bob Paraplanner is a paraplanner who needs to be able to write and share reports with the financial planners based in the Manchester office. Hence share clients / reports is active and “Manchester” is included within Viewable Workgroups.

You can set up as many workgroups as you require, and call them whatever you like. However, each workgroup within Viewable Workgroups must be separated by a comma.