When you create a new report 'from scratch' within Genovo you are prompted to select a Report Type. 

Each Report Type has been designed to cater for a slightly different advice scenario, and the Report Type selected will determine:

  • Which sections are available in the Report Builder;
  • Which steps show in the Wizard Sections included within the Report Builder;
  • Which recommended actions show in the recommended action step of the review sections; and
  • Which snippets (i.e. content) get included in the resultant report.

Within Genovo you'll find the following Report Types.

Suitability Report

The suitability report is the most commonly used report type. It has been designed to ensure you fulfil all of the regulator's expectations of you when recommending a new product for a new or existing client, and / or replacement business. You can access virtually all of the report sections that are available within Genovo via this option; and it is thus the most comprehensive option, covering virtually every possible advice scenario.

Here’s what the Report Builder looks like as standard for a suitability report.

Review Report 2.0

This is our second generation review report. It has been designed to allow users to provide an existing client with a holistic review of their financial affairs, as well as their existing investments as part of an annual (or more frequent) review service. It has also been designed to meet all of the requirements of MiFID II reporting. It can include:

  • An update on the client's circumstances.
  • An update on the client's assets and liabilities.
  • A review of the client's risk profile.
  • A detailed review of the client's objectives.
  • A summary of the key outputs / outcomes following a review of the client's cash flow plan.
  • A review of the client's existing plans.
  • Ex-ante charges disclosure dealt with in each review section in line with MiFID II reporting requirements.
  • Ex-post charges disclosure handled by a dedicated step.
  • A review of the service you have provided to the client since their last review.
  • Any next steps and action required by you or the client.
  • An authority to proceed.
  • Relevant product and technical notes in the appendix.

Here’s what the Report Builder looks like as standard for a Review Report 2.0.

To find out more about how to write a Review Report 2.0 click here.

Continued Suitability Report

The Continued Suitability Report is shorter and more product focused than the Review Report 2.0. It has been specifically designed to fulfil the requirements of MiFID II reporting where there has been no change in the client's investment objectives and you solely wish to confirm to the client the on-going suitability of their existing investment(s). It can include:

  • An update on the client's circumstances.
  • A review of the client's risk profile.
  • A review of the client's existing plans with confirmation of continued suitability (i.e. to 'retain').
  • Ex-ante and / or  ex-post charges disclosure in line with MiFID II reporting requirements.
  • A review of the service you have provided to the client since their last review.
  • An adviser / client declaration.

Here’s what the Report Builder looks like as standard for a Continued Suitability Report.

To find out more about how to write a Continued Suitability Report click here.

Fund Switch Report

Of course, it's possible to recommended a fund switch within a suitability or review report within Genovo. However, if all you’re recommending is a fund switch or change of investment strategy then the Fund Switch Report will streamline the report writing process and result in a more concise and reader-friendly report covering all of the salient points.  

Here’s what the Report Builder looks like as standard for a Fund Switch Report.

To find out more about how to write a Fund Switch Report click here.

Top-up / Bed & ISA Report

In much the same way as the fund switch report, it's possible to recommend a top-up to a client's existing investment(s) / pension(s), or a bed and ISA within a suitability or review report. However, if literally all you're looking to recommend is a top-up, bed & ISA or both, then the Top-up / Bed & ISA Report is going to be a much slicker and concise option.

Here’s what the Report Builder looks like as standard for a Top-up / Bed & ISA Report.

To find out more about how to write a Top-up / Bed & ISA Report click here.