The ability to edit the wording of the standard selectable options and add your own custom options is one of the key bits of functionality that makes the report building process so slick in Genovo. It is also provides a very easy way for a user to provide that personalised "colour and detail" that the FCA is always so keen to see in every suitability report. 

You will notice that a number of the standard options include *INSERT* text to prompt the user to provide additional information specific to the client. However, it is worth bearing in mind that the wording of any option can be edited in whole, or in part, as required. 

When you select an advice option or advice reason in a step, you'll notice that an edit icon will appear to the right of the selected option. 

Clicking this icon will open a new window where you can then edit the wording of that option for that individual report.

If you wish to make a permanent edit to an advice option or advice reason belonging to you or an organisation to which you belong (assuming you have the necessary permissions to do so), this can be done via the Advice Options & Reasons Library.