It's really easy to activate an integration with Plannr. Simply log in to your Genovo account and click the Integrations icon on the main dashboard. 

Within Integrations you'll see a summary of all the third party apps that Genovo currently integrates with as well as the status of each integration for your Genovo account. The status of the Plannr integration will show as 'Not Setup'. To activate the integration, click the Manage integration link to the right.

This will direct you to a new page where you can now set up and manage the Plannr integration. Before you can start using the integration, you will need to confirm your acceptance for your Plannr account to be connected to your Genovo account. To do this, click the Verify integration hyperlink under Action.

You’ll be redirected to the Plannr log in page and prompted to enter your Plannr "employee" username and password (unless you're already logged in to Plannr within the same browser, in which case you'll skip this step and be automatically directed to Plannr's 'Authorise Genovo' page). 

Next, you'll be asked to confirm your acceptance for your Genovo account to access your Plannr account.

Assuming you're happy to proceed, click Approve App and you’ll return to Genovo where you’ll notice that the status of the integration now shows as 'Active and verified' and the username of your Plannr account is displayed under 'Linked Username'.

That’s it, you’re done. You can now use the integration to import client and plan data from Plannr into Genovo, and send the reports you create for integrated clients in Genovo back into Plannr.