In addition to the Genovo Advice Scenario Matrix, we've also created a number of other matrices to enhance your understanding of Genovo which you may wish to refer back to from time-to-time as you get to know Genovo.
Summary of Report Sections Matrix
This matrix provides a summary of the sections you will find in each Report Type.
Genovo Pension Decumulation Advice Scenario Matrix
This matrix provides a summary of the report type, sections and recommended action required for a selection of commonplace pension decumulation scenarios.
Summary of Wizard Section Steps Matrix
This matrix provides a summary of the steps you will find in each wizard section for each Report Type.
Recommended Actions Matrix
This matrix provides a summary of all of the recommended actions that are available for selection in the Recommended Action step of the various review sections and what they are typically used for.
Summary of Report Tags
This matrix provides a summary of all of the tags e.g. {ReportReference} you will find in the snippets, as well as a description of what they are used for.