There are various scenarios where it may prove much quicker to clone an existing investment strategy rather than create one from scratch. For example,

1. You may wish to clone a Current Investment Strategy that you've created for a plan within the same or one of the other review sections.

e.g. A client has a number of existing investments, each with a slightly different investment strategy. Rather than creating each investment strategy afresh it would be much quicker to create a copy of a previous one and edit it to reflect the slight differences.


2. You may wish to clone a Recommended Investment Strategy that you've created in the Recommended Investment Strategy section.

e.g. You're recommending a number of new plans all with slightly different investment strategies. Rather than creating each investment strategy afresh it would be much quicker to create a copy of a previous one and edit it to reflect the differences.

3. You may wish to clone a Current Investment Strategy that you've created in a review section and then edit and re-use it in the Recommended Investment Strategy section.

e.g. You're reviewing an existing investment and wish to recommend a slightly different investment strategy for it moving forward because a couple of the funds are performing poorly. Rather than creating the revised investment strategy afresh it would be much quicker to create a copy of the existing Current Investment Strategy for the plan, and then edit it to reflect the fund changes. 

How to clone an investment strategy

The following instructions walk you through how to clone an investment strategy for the three scenarios highlighted above.

1. Cloning a Current Investment Strategy within a review section

1. In the Plan Summary step of the review section, locate the plan whose Current Investment Strategy you want to clone. Click the edit pencil icon to open the Edit Plan window and scroll down to the 'Current Investment Strategy' field.

2. Click the Clone IS button to the right of the drop down. 

3. A new window will open, where you can edit the name of the cloned Current Investment Strategy. Although this name wont appear in your report we'd strongly recommend that you give it a sensible name so you can easily identify it should you wish to use it for another plan in one of the review sections of that report.

4. Click Save & next, and a new window will open where you can edit the investments that make up the investment strategy, as well as adding any additional text, tables or images in the text box.

5. Finally, click Save. You'll be directed back to the Plan Summary - Edit Plan page where you'll notice that the newly cloned investment strategy is automatically selected for the plan.

2. Cloning a Recommended Investment Strategy in the Recommended Investment Strategy section

1. Within the Recommended Investment Strategy step of the Recommended Investment Strategy section click on the Clone icon to the right of the investment strategy you wish to clone.

2. An exact copy of this investment strategy will be created and added at the bottom of the investment strategy table with the name "Copy of......".

3. Having created the copy, you can then edit its name by clicking on the edit icon (remember this name will be included as a sub heading within your report). You can then edit the underlying investments that make up this investment strategy in the usual way by clicking the Edit investments link, and the reasons why the investment strategy has been recommended by clicking the Why investment strategy link.

3. Cloning a Current Investment Strategy for reuse in the Recommended Investment Strategy section

1. Within the Recommended Investment Strategy step of the Recommended Investment Strategy section click on the Clone current investment strategy button above the investment strategy table.

2. A new window will open containing the Current Investment Strategies that you've created in this report.

3. Click the Clone current investment strategy icon for the investment strategy you wish to clone.

4.  You'll be redirected back to the main Recommended Investment Strategy step page where you'll notice that an exact copy of this investment strategy has been created and added at the bottom of the investment strategy table.

5. Having created the copy, you can then edit its name by clicking on the edit icon (remember this name will be included as a sub heading within your report). You can then edit the underlying investments that make up this investment strategy in the usual way by clicking the Edit investments link, and the reasons why the investment strategy has been recommended by clicking the Why investment strategy link.