To convert an existing non-integrated plan into an integrated plan you will, in the first instance, need to ensure that the client to whom the plan belongs is an integrated client.

Go to the Plan Summary step of the relevant section and click the edit pencil of the non-integrated plan and a new window will open. As the client is now integrated, a Link to CRM button will now show towards the top of the Edit plan page.

Clicking this button will open another window displaying all the plans that are owned by the client(s), have an appropriate plan status and are a match for the section. However, it is worth bearing in mind that only those plans that can be mapped to an equivalent plan in Genovo will show here.

Select the plan you wish to overwrite the existing plan and click Link Plan in the bottom right hand corner of the window.

When you overwrite a non-integrated plan with an integrated plan, only integrated fields (those with a green border) will be overwritten. Any data saved in any non-integrated fields will remain as is.

You can then edit any integrated fields and non-integrated fields as required. On clicking Save, you’ll be returned to the main Plan Summary step and notice an integration icon has been included to the left of the plan to indicate that it is now an integrated plan.