You can also add you own custom options to a step and we would actively encourage you to do so, because as you build up your own library of selectable options this will also help to speed up the report building process for you and your users. There are two ways you can add a custom Advice Option or Advice Reason to a step of a section wizard.

1.    Via the Advice Options & Reasons Library

2.    And from directly within the section wizard

1. Via the Advice Options & Reasons Library 

From your dashboard go to customisation > advice options and reasons, select the relevant section and step, and the AOs and / or ARs of that step will be displayed much like this:

If a step has both AOs and ARs, you can view the ARs for an AO, and add a custom AR to it, by clicking view advice reasons.

To add an AO or AR, click add advice option or add advice reason. You will be directed to a new page where you will be prompted to include your custom advice option or reason and save it.

2. From within the section wizard

The quickest way to add an Advice Option or Reason is ‘on the fly’ whilst building a report from within the step of the section wizard. Simply click add advice option or add advice reason within the step and then you’ll be prompted to add your custom option.

You will be directed to a new page where you will be prompted to include your custom advice option or reason and save it. 

If you only wish to include the custom advice option or reason in that report click save. However, you will also have the option to save it to your Advice Options & Reasons Library so it’s available for selection in future reports.

Add to Advice Option / Reason Library - This will add the option to this report and save it to your Advice Options and Reasons library.

Add to Advice Option / Reason Library AND share - This option is only available to Account Admins of multi-user company plans. This will add the option to this report and save it to your Advice Options and Reasons library and automatically mark it up as shared so it's available for selection by you and all of your other account's users.